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My name is Darius Monroe

Hey there! Let me introduce myself. I'm a fitness enthusiast with a twist of humor and a dash of intelligence. My journey into the world of fitness kicked off at 21, initially diving deep into yoga, finding solace in its serene embrace. Then, like a bolt of lightning, Shaun T's Insanity program stormed into my life, sparking a fire that ignited my passion for fitness. Fast forward to 2019, amidst the vibrant streets of San Francisco, I seized the opportunity to become a NASM certified trainer, officially launching my career with SF Fitness. But it wasn't until 2020 that I truly grasped the importance of nutrition, embarking on a quest to count calories and practice what I preach, because, let's be honest, abs are made in the kitchen!

In 2022, I had the pleasure of training on tour with the stellar talents Andy Tofa and the hilariously awesome Manuel Stark Santos from "Hamilton ★", soaking up every moment of their brilliance. Falling head over heels for pickleball in 2022, I decided to take it to the next level, becoming a certified pickleball trainer in 2024. Now, planted firmly in the bustling streets of New York City, I've had the pleasure of working with Equinox and have recently ventured into independent training. So, if you're ready to sweat with a side of wit, join me on this journey to sculpt both body and mind – because fitness should be as fun as it is effective! goals.

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